
Saturday, February 13, 2010


Studying the Buddha-Dhamma is not just about sitting and closing our eyes, it has to do with our whole lives and how we live it - it involves transformation of our mindset. Can we change the way we live our lives, our thoughts and continually doing it to be better?

I sit at His Feet in great humility

Once Sariputta remarked,
“Venerable sir, I have such confidence in the Blessed One that I believe there has not been nor ever will be nor exists at present another ascetic or brahmin more knowledgeable than the Blessed One with respect to enlightenment.”

The Buddha responds,
“Lofty indeed is this bellowing utterance of yours, Sariputta, you have roared a definitive, categorical lion’s roar. Have you now, Sariputta, encompassed with your mind the minds of all the Arahants, the Perfectly Enlightened Ones, arisen in the past and known thus: Those Blessed Ones were of such virtue, or of such qualities, or such wisdom?”

Sariputta responds,
“No, venerable sir.”

Samyutta Nikaya 47.12

In that discourse, instead of agreeing with the bold praise of the Buddha given to him by Sariputta, the Buddha basically asks him, “Have you met every Buddha of the past, present, and future? Then how can you call me the best that ever was or will ever be?” Such was the amazing wisdom, the intelligence, and humility of the Buddha of our time.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Light of our Lives

Homage to the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha

The Dhamma is the light of our lives,
the guiding principle of every step that we take.

To the Buddha I am grateful for the teachings.

May we in turn bring the light of the Dhamma
to where there is the darkness of despair, grief and ignorance.

May we help those who do not have this great wisdom,
and comfort the sightless with its Truths.

May we all carry this light with us always,
May we live the noble life
and in turn pass on the Dhamma to the next generation
like a torch shining bright to be handled over to them,
to light the paths of their lives.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Kindada Sutta

A Giver of What

[A deva:]
A giver of what is a giver of strength?
A giver of what, a giver of beauty?
A giver of what, a giver of ease?
A giver of what, a giver of vision?
And who is a giver of everything?
Being asked, please explain this to me.
[The Buddha:]
A giver of food is a giver of strength.
A giver of clothes, a giver of beauty.
A giver of a vehicle, a giver of ease.
A giver of a lamp, a giver of vision.
And the one who gives a residence,
is the one who is a giver of everything.
But the one who teaches the Dhamma
is a giver of
the Deathless.

Samyutta Nikaya I.42

Monday, February 1, 2010

May I rise

Homage to the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha,

May I attain the cutting-off of

Craving and clinging.

Whatever faults I have until I attain


May they quickly perish.

Wherever I Am born,

may there be

An upright mind, mindfulness,

Wisdom, austerity and vigor.

May harmful influences not weaken my Efforts.

The Buddha is the unexcelled Teacher, the Dhamma is the

Supreme protection,

and my true refuge.

By the power of the Truth and the merits of all the good that I did,

May I rise above all ignorance.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
