The Silent Mind in Meditation
when we talk of "a silent mind", one is not talking of a mind that does nothing, knows nothing and is just blank......
rather the silent mind is that state of mind
that just KNOWS,
that just NOTES
and that does not RESPOND judgementally or emotionally to what is noted,
it just "silently" note all the thoughts or feelings or movements without being involved.
This "silent mind" is in fact VERY active ,
observing mindfully and is aware of all the things that present into its consciousness,
it is "silent" by the fact that it does not ACTIVELY respond to all these sense objects.
It is just the "Knowing Mind" in contrast to the usual Mind state that jumps in response to stimuli.
When we say we learn or gain insight from this silent mind, it is not that some Divine computer had plugged itself into the USB port of this silent mind and downloaded data!,
NO, this "silent Mind" gains wisdom and Insight by neutrally observing the process of the Body and Mind as it simply silently observes all that passes through it. It is "SILENT" only from the point of it being a very good student intensely observing and not dragged into all the passing thoughts and sensations.
The Mind that is forced into silence by subjugating it into ONE chosen object of Attention eg a Kasina will have deep states of concentration but all it will learn about is that CHOSEN object of attention; temporarily defilements are suppressed but there will not be wisdom from the observation of this humble body.....
Hence, while yogis constantly complain that innumerable thoughts go in and out of their mind during meditation, what is not realised is that thoughts are NORMAL, as normal as the breathing in and out, or the aches and pains. We do not complain about the sensation of breathing in and out because we accept it as Normal and a meditation object, in fact we feel proud if we note this sensation carefully, similarly we pat ourselves if we note the arising and ceasation of feelings and claim a job well done.... do we not realise that the arising and cessation of thoughts is similarly as natural as breathing or sensations.
If we can just as "Neutrally" note the arising of thoughts, then it is just another object of meditation; the silent knowing mind just noting the arising of thoughts and associated mind states of anger or hurt or joy or frustration, simply seeing it arise and pass away.
The KNOWING MIND can well be separated from the thoughts, one can clearly observe that the arising thoughts and the Mind that knows these arising thoughts are distinctly separate.
This "SILENT KNOWING MIND" can just observe and do the job of meditation, this Silent Knowing Mind arising in respond to all the objects that presents itself. One may even get the insight that this knowing mind only arises if and when there is an object!
Mindfulness is the Method, Compassion is the Expression, and Wisdom is the Essence
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