
Thursday, March 5, 2009

A few good men

When the Lord Buddha attained Enlightenment, He realised that the Dhamma that He had rediscovered "is profound.... and only understood by the Wise for himself".

For the average worldling mired in the quicksand of sensuality, it will indeed be difficult to see the Noble Truths, to understand the Truth of Suffering when he is assaulted by a world that indulges in sensual gratification. He will find it most difficult to see that the cause of his suffering is CRAVING when every culture, every magazine and every advertisement promotes the "happiness" of the satisfaction of Greed and Wants.

How is he to see the PEACE of having NO WANTS when consumerism is the mantra of worldly success, when more is considered good.

Only those with "LITTLE DUST in their eyes" will benefit from the Buddha's Teachings. For the sake of these few the Buddha taught for many years.

Would this not make the Great Teacher wearied? Yes, of course, as He Himself had pondered,

Would not the DELUDED fail to understand?, YES there will be many who will walk away.

BUT FOR THAT FEW with LITTLE DUST in their eyes, the Great Teacher will toil, will Teach. and Will Train, SO THAT THEY will be released from the Sufferings of Samsara. For them, He strived for 45 years exhorting them to walk the Noble Path. Even on His deathbed, He encouraged all to Strive on with Mindfulness.

For the Sangha of the past and the present, it is still for the sake of the FEW with Little Dust in their eyes, that the Dhamma is taught,

and while the sound of the drum may be fading as the Great Teacher had foreseened,

and while there will be many who will chose to listen not,

there are still a few good men and women, who are striving in accordance with the Teacher's words. For them, please carry on through all the trials and tribulations of this unsatisfactory world.

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