
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Are there many doors!?

Q: Is it true that there are '84 thousand' ways of the Buddha's teaching for reaching nibbana?

A: Let us understand what this means. A lot of people say a lot of things but are unappreciative of its meaning inside.

Now '84000 Dhamma doors' is a common expression but it has a deep meaning!

It means that whatever Dhamma door you take MUST HAVE:

8- the 8 Fold Noble Path

4- the 4 Noble Truths

000- seeing all things in reality as empty; the three Universal characteristics of ALL Conditioned states ie

1. Impermanence [anicca],

2. Suffering [dukkha] and

3. Non Self [anatta]

Now we must clearly understand what this 84000 Dhamma doors mean.

It means that whatever teacher, guru, shifu, bhante, lama, sir, madam, prof , etc that we learn from... MUST teach us the 8 Fold Path, the 4 Noble Truths and the 3 Universal characteristics!!! Anything deviated from that IS NOT THE RIGHT PATH and we must run away like he's got Bird Flu! Or the bird flu will kill us!

Subhadda approached the Buddha, and after greeting him, said,

"O Gotama, there are many famous religious teachers who teach other teachings, different from yours. Have they all, as they claim, discovered the truth? Or have only some of them discovered the truth while others have not?"

"Enough, O Subhadda," said the Buddha, "You should not worry about other teachings. Listen to me and pay close attention to what I say, and I will make known to you the truth.

"In whatever doctrine or teaching the Noble Eightfold Path is not found, there will neither be found those who have become sotapanna, sakadagami, anagami or arahant (four levels of sainthood). But in those teachings where the Noble Eightfold Path is found, there also you will find the sotapanna, the sakadagami, the anagami and the arahant. In this teaching of mine, O Subhadda, is to be found the Noble Eightfold Path, and in it alone the sotapanna, the sakadagami, the anagami, and the arahant are found. In no other schools of religious teachers can such arya beings (saints) be found. And if only my disciples live rightly and follow my precepts or training rules, the world will never be without genuine arahants."

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