
Monday, February 2, 2009


Q: Is it true that there are '84 thousand' doors to reaching Enlightenment?

A: Pls understand what this means.

84000 Dhamma doors is a common expression but it has a very profound meaning.

It means that whatever Dhamma teaching or door that we learn MUST HAVE:

8- the 8 Fold Noble Path

4- the 4 Noble Truths

000- seeing all things past, present and future as empty; all phenomena being Empty of any unchanging "self"


1. Impermanence [anicca],

2. Suffering [dukkha] and

3. Non Self [anatta]

Now do we clearly understand what this 84000 Dhamma doors mean?

It means that whoever teacher, guru, shifu, bhante, lama, sir, madam, prof, etc that we learn from... MUST teach us the 8 Fold Path, the 4 Noble Truths and the 3 Universal characteristics!

Any deviation from that IS NOT THE RIGHT PATH and we should run away like he's got Bird Flu. Or the bird flu will kill us!

Sabbe dhamma nalam abhinivesaya
All phenomena should NOT be clung to as "I", "My" or "Mine".

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