
Monday, February 9, 2009


If I had earned a string of theological degrees, is a tenured professor in a world renowned university and has mastered the intricacies of Pali but do not care for the illiterate manual worker with a struggling family, I am like the static caused by feedback on a microphone - a noisy irritant.

If I can look into the future while in Jhanas and discern the winds of change in economies and political arenas and if I am a spiritual master who has a large following who believe that I am the Voice of Dhamma itself and yet if I do not lift a single finger to help a stranger in need I am as plain useless to one who is hungry and lonely as an empty used chicken rice styrofoam container.

If I am a great philanthropist and give my millions as aid relief to the poverty stricken and if I sacrifice my health by burning out in sasana work but did it to achieve a reputation and a name for myself, I already have my reward which is my 15 minutes of fame.

My ulterior motives will eventually be revealed for all to see.

But if I see a person and not see an irritation, an interruption, a burden or a lesser being, and if I feel compassion for this person and offer some help, I have Metta-karuna; loving kindness and compassion.

Metta-karuna is the energy that helps make life in samsara tolerable. It never runs out, tires or loses its power. That Metta that we radiate during Metta-Bhavana (loving kindness Meditation) is for eternity.

The only constant in our lives is change; Anicca. Coming to the realization that there is nothing certain in this universe and the ability to control our destiny is an illusion; Anatta, we begin to understand that we have been thinking like a child, caught in dreams and living in delusion.

It is time to grow up and see the world as it really is. To see through the illusions that has deceived us for so long. To realize that we had spent large portions of our lives/lifetimes chasing after the non-essential and neglecting the keeping of Precepts, the Mind training, and the cultivation of Metta towards all beings that we should have nurtured and developed.

Clear and contemplative Insight will help us to focus on things that are important. The essentials are the purification of our defilements and the training of our Minds to see clearly into the Realities of life, of the 4 Noble Truths and the 3 Universal Characteristics of Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta, and into the delusion of SELF. In the process we develop faith, happiness, joy, contentment, insight and finally equanimity as we understand directly the Truths of Nature. But until then let us live when alone in deep contemplation and when together in Mindfulness and loving-kindness.

Essentially my Religion is very simple, its simply KINDNESS when in the company of others, and Contemplation when alone. That's it.

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