The Buddha Dhamma stands alone among "religions" in that Heaven is NOT the final destination nor even a desired goal of the serious student. While HeavenS (Plural) exists, and that it is a far more pleasant place than the earthly realm, it too despite being 'heaven' is NOT free from suffering and decay.
There is much more happiness than suffering there, thats why its heaven but it too is subject to causes and conditions; it too is a conditioned state of existence. Residents in heaven stay there for a LONG2 time, so long that in comparison to our 3 scores and 10 years, it appears an 'eternity'. But nevertheless anything that came about from a cause will change as conditions change, and one day Heavenly existence too will end and one is reborn into another realm based on one's acts past and present.
The ultimate goal of the serious student is Nibbana, the only UNconditioned state where there is no arising and cessation. It is "The ultimate Happiness" precisely because there is NO arising and cessation and there is NO dependence on the senses for gratification. It cannot be explained in words but can only be experienced by oneself.
It is often said that an earthly existence is the best place for the training of the mind as we have both Happiness and Suffering here. I assume that all who are reading this is on earth. It is easier to understand and see the 4 Noble Truths in such a background. Apparently the bliss of the Heavens numb one to cultivation and discipline, and when the holiday ends, one is again pushed by the kammic forces to another realm just as it had led one to heaven previously.
For many lay Buddhists however, a Heavenly existence does sound enticing, for almost everyone loves a holiday! The Buddha made it clear that there is no patent right on its passage there, and it is BY WORK and NOT by Faith alone that one is reborn there.
An old friend stated that faith without works is dead, and that faith must work together with works, and by works faith is made perfect. A man is justified by works, and not by faith only, for faith without works is dead.
Anyone who thinks that true faith does not include works is empty-headed, workless faith is completely useless. The Buddha taught us that if one desires a Heavenly rebirth then one must create the causes and conditions for such a rebirth.
Ten qualities that can lead to heavenly existence:
1. He does not take lives, avoids killing, and has compassion for all tiny creatures (The First Precept).
2. He does not take what is not given (The Second Precept).
3. He does not act wrongly in sensual desires (The Third Precept).
4. He does not engage in untruthful speech (The Fourth Precept).
5. He does not engage in slander (The Fourth Precept).
6. He does not engage in harsh speech (The Fourth Precept).
7. He does not engage in idle babble (The Fourth Precept).
8. He is not covetous and envious of others
9. He does not engage in harmful thoughts
10. He possesses Right Understanding
(Anguttara Nikaya 10. 211)
We can see that a Heavenly ticket is found in the keeping of the secular moral precepts and the training of the Mind to be pure and wise. One can even see that there is NO 'religion' in there at all! Note the loud absence of any believe or creed or allegience or faith or ritual.
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